I've built my service largely out of my frustrations, Struggling with issues that were beyond the scope of my mentors, coaches, and even doctors, I had to educate myself to put the pieces together. Truth be told, I got to biological diagnostics which are key for later than I would've liked. This is exactly part of the frustration, that both the knowledge and the tools were there but that neither my coaches nor doctors knew about them.
Dealing with several severe gut issues and mental health issues, I read extensively on biology, neurology, psychology, and philosophy. Only once I started going deep did I start understanding what was driving my issues, my states, my identifications, my beliefs, and my narratives. Once my biology and neurology started healing, my ability to use psychology and philosophy to counterbalance my mental health improved significantly. This was a paradigm-shifting moment in my life, and why I feel compelled to bring this experience to people. I felt at ease, everything felt smooth, I was able to process information much faster, my memory improved, my pattern recognition got upgraded, and my ability to connect information took a major leap.
My service bridges all these disciplines, and aims to shorten the distance between your efforts and your results. I know exactly what it's like to put in herculean efforts without seeing much results. As the gut, organ, metabolism, and neurological status improve, results come quicker because everything is working seamlessly on all levels. Everything becomes more sensitive and thus responsive which enhances the effect of your efforts. No more wasted energy, no more wasted, no more subpar results.
By leaning heavily on these biological diagnostics we can quickly find out where the issues reside, plug the holes, heal the systems, and put wind back in your sails. The entire protocol and frameworks are personalized to your biology, psychology, and circumstances. Combining supplements and peptides, makes the interventions feel more seamless and effortless. The supporting frameworks, guidelines, and protocols will pave to way to lasting change. This unique approach doesn't leave anything to chance or guessing and will bring your health to the level you deserve.